Dating after Divorce

Dating after divorce can be a tricky!

Where do you even start to cast your ‘dating net’ to find the person you are looking for?

Marlyn Jose, who I’m dubbing our ‘Blending & Mending Dating Expert’ is here to share her experience, advise and dating tips with YOU. This episode is loaded with self-reflection, tips on how to navigate dating, dating apps and what YOU NEED TO START GETTING SPECIFIC ABOUT in terms of what you are looking for in a future partner.

Episode show notes:

-          Why healing your OWN trauma is so important before you even start to consider the dating scene again

-          The importance of embracing being single and ‘CLAIMING YOURSELF BACK’!

-          Becoming SPECIFIC with what you are looking for and what your ‘DEAL BREAKERS’ are in your next life chapter

-          Removing the misconception that dating apps are ‘bad

-          Tips on dating and using dating apps

-          Marlyns ‘90-day dating rule’

-          When to introduce your child(ren) to your new partner

-          When is the right time to tap into that awkward conversation of telling your spouse you are dating someone new

-          And so much more!

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On BREAKING-UP, understanding COMPROMISE and taking time to HEAL


Weaving your life back together the way you want it after divorce