Yes, you read that title correctly!

This episode is all about the truths & practical examples of what a stepmom, mother, wife, entrepreneur and woman navigate through in blended family life. The raw truths we don’t share enough and yet need to hear the MOST!

Littish Swarts, female entrepreneur, mom of 5, happily married and one of the sweetest souls you will ever meet, shares her story. Her truth. Her vulnerabilities and her TIPS of how she navigates it all.

Episode show notes:

  • Littish shares her story and how she met her husband

  • She unpacks how she juggles her life with 5 children, being a female entrepreneur and a doting wife.

  • She vulnerably shares the struggles and challenges when it comes to her role as stepmom and her relationship with the bio mom

  • How her and her husband focus on their children and & what is BEST for THEIR FAMILY

  • Her mistakes as a stepmom and the power of hindsight

  • Her tips and strategies on managing life, managing boundaries and what happiness looks like in her blended family home

  • Oh…and did I mention a sneaky little promo that we share in the podcast where you can get 20% of something PRACTICAL, PRETTY & PURPOSEFUL! Keep a look out on Instagram for more details.

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