Coping with the impact of divorce over the FESTIVE SEASON when you don’t have your kids in the visitation schedule

All I can say is WOW! Naomi Holdt, is a psychologist, book author, speaker, mom…and over and above all of this, just a fantastic human being!

I reached out to Naomi and asked her to share her insights and guidance on how divorced parents get through a festive season when “it isn’t there year on in the visitation schedule”. Her immediate response was YES!!!

Friends, this is such a hard reality for divorced and separated parents who know they only see their children for these festive moments every second year (or as outlined in their visitation schedule or planned with the other parent).

We got real, we got honest, and Naomi spoke so beautifully about allowing yourself as a divorced parent to GRIEVE these moments, and importantly allowing your children to grieve them too. It can be an emotional dynamic for everyone. Can you even image spending a Christmas, Birthday or Easter without your kids? (I didn’t have my daughter for Christmas last year, this was the second year without her and it just doesn’t feel like it gets any easier, so I get this feeling of sadness & grief all too well).

Naomi shared insights from her practice, what she sees when working with divorced families and children and how her book BOUNCE speaks through so many of these parenting triggers, the importance of inner healing and tips for parents who are divorced. I got my copy today!!

If you have any questions or need support please reach out to me or Naomi. You can pop her a DM on @naomiholdtpsychologist

Friends it takes one step at a time…but you can work through these emotions.

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